It’s amazing that something as simple as caramelized onions can be as good. And this is nothing more than a long fried onion, a little spiced. You have to devote some time to it, but it is worth every minute spent cutting it and over the pot. How to caramelize onions?
From the method and, above all – the time of frying, ordinary onions change significantly their color, shape and, above all, taste. From the spicy taste of raw onions to the sweet taste of caramelized – how we prepare onions has a great impact on the taste of our dish.
It is difficult to determine the exact time of frying onions every minute to the right condition, it depends on such factors as the size of the pan, the material from which it is made, the type of onion and temperature.
It is best to control the frying process with the help of our innate organs – eyes and nose. Onion frying gets sweeter, with a slightly caramel aroma and loses in volume. It is worth remembering that the onion burns easily, but just keep the medium flame under it and stir frequently.
The frying pan should be large enough to leave plenty of room for mixing. Pour fat into a hot frying pan, add chopped onion and a pinch of salt.

Caramelized Onion
- about 1 cup comes out
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- 1 kg of onion, cut into feathers
- salt and pepper
- 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
- 2 tbsp sugar
For this amount of onions, prepare as large a pan as possible or a wide saucepan – at the beginning there will be a lot of onions.
Heat oil in medium heat in a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the onions and fry, stirring constantly, for about 20-30 minutes, until all the onions are thickened and lose volume. Salt it and sprinkle it lightly with pepper. Fry until it begins to change color, which may take another fifteen minutes. When the onion is lightly browned, add balsamic and wine vinegar to it. Reduce heat and fry it for another 5-10 minutes, stir constantly, until excess liquid evaporates. Add sugar, mix with onions, frying for another 2-3 minutes.
Set aside to cool, then transfer to a jar. Store in a refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Caramelized onions are the perfect addition to all kinds of meats, casseroles or homemade hamburgers. I love such onion with fresh bread. Sometimes he adds a slice of sheep’s cheese to such a sandwich!